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CLI Commands

MK Notes provides two main commands to help you manage your markdown to Notion synchronization:


The sync command synchronizes a directory of markdown files to a Notion page, creating a matching page hierarchy.


mk-notes sync -i <directoryPath> -d <notionPageUrl> -k <notionApiKey>

Required Options

  • -i, --input <directoryPath>: Path to the directory containing your markdown files
  • -d, --destination <notionPageUrl>: URL of the parent Notion page where content will be synchronized
  • -k, --notion-api-key <notionApiKey>: Your Notion API key for authentication


mk-notes sync \
--input ./my-docs \
--destination \
--notion-api-key secret_abc123...

This command will:

  1. Read all markdown files in the ./my-docs directory
  2. Create a matching page hierarchy in Notion
  3. Convert and sync the content to your specified Notion page
  4. Display a success message with the Notion page URL when complete


The preview-sync command lets you preview how your markdown files will be organized in Notion before actually performing the synchronization. This is useful for verifying the structure before making any changes.


mk-notes preview-sync -i <directoryPath> [options]

Required Option

  • -i, --input <directoryPath>: Path to the directory containing your markdown files

Optional Options

  • -f, --format <format>: Output format for the preview
    • plainText (default): Shows a tree-like structure
    • json: Outputs the structure in JSON format
  • -o, --output <output>: Save the preview to a file instead of displaying it in the terminal


  1. Basic preview with default format:
mk-notes preview-sync --input ./my-docs

Output example:

├─  (Your parent Notion Page)
│ ├─
│ ├─ guides/
│ │ ├─
│ │ ├─
│ ├─ api/
│ │ ├─
│ │ ├─
  1. Preview in JSON format:
mk-notes preview-sync --input ./my-docs --format json
  1. Save preview to a file:
mk-notes preview-sync --input ./my-docs --output preview.txt

Tips for Using CLI Commands

  1. Directory Structure

    • Organize your markdown files in a logical hierarchy
    • Use directories to create sections and subsections
    • Consider using files for section introductions
  2. Preview First

    • Always use preview-sync before running the actual sync
    • Verify the structure matches your expectations
    • Make adjustments to your file organization if needed
  3. Notion API Key

    • Keep your API key secure
    • Consider using environment variables for the API key
    • Make sure your API key has the necessary permissions
  4. Regular Backups

    • Consider backing up your Notion pages before large syncs
    • Use preview-sync to verify changes before updating existing content

For more details about how MK Notes organizes your content, see the Architecture documentation.